Fender Tone Master Pro

SKU: 1208-1F16594

CHF 1'739.00

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As vintage enthusiasts, we are naturally ambivalent about digital solutions. We tested the Tone Master Pro accordingly critically and in detail. Our conclusion:

The sound of the Tone Master Pro is so close to the analog originals that it’s hard to tell the difference at a concert or in the band’s mix. The Fender amp emulations in particular sound exceptionally good and respond beautifully to a dynamic playing style.
The user interface of the Tone Master Pro is intuitive and even without prior knowledge you can quickly put together a virtual pedalboard. After a short while, you’ll find yourself comparing different microphone emulations at different positions in front of the virtual speaker or creating complex stereo setups… And this is exactly where I see the great benefit of the Tone Master Pro: The incredible wealth of amplifiers, speakers, effects and microphones encourages creativity and experimentation, and whether at a gig in the local bar or at a concert in the Hallenstadion; the sounds can be called up at any time and without any material battle.


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