Sola Sound G.B. Fuzz 1978

SKU: 1209-1F16194

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The G.B. Fuzz was produced by Sola Sound in England. During this time, Sola Sound produced the same pedal under different brand names such as Barnes & Mullins B&G Fuzz or Coloursound Jumbo Tonebender. Electronically, the G.B. Fuzz is identical to the latter.

This pedal was revised by Sascha Greuter from Greuter Audio. During the overhaul, all soldering points were checked and re-soldered where necessary and the jacks and potentiometers were cleaned. One capacitor was replaced by a new old stock “Tropical Fish”. This is clearly visible above the middle pot in the second last photo.

The G.B. Fuzz sounds fantastic! It has ruthless bass and punchy midrange. The Big Muff-like qualities are also impressive on bass guitar!


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